
Fallout 4 ncr faction mod
Fallout 4 ncr faction mod

fallout 4 ncr faction mod

Mexico is mentioned in Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout: New Vegas and its add-on Honest Hearts, and Fallout 4. LocationsĪ modern version of a replica neolithic shovel made in Mexico was mentioned in the Wixon's Shovel Museum. Radioactive waste released from Control Station Enclave drifted down the coast of California and Mexico, causing irreversible ecological damage. The collapse of society resulted in total chaos, and Mexico City was quickly taken over by looters, who formed the beginning of the raider tribes. During the Great War, Mexico City was hit by nuclear weapons, turned into a radioactive crater, to a lesser degree than Washington, D.C. I'm going off memory, which when you are as old as I, can be sketchy at times.Businesses that operated in Mexico before the war included Petró-Chico and the publisher of a newspaper entitled El Periódico de las Aburridas.

fallout 4 ncr faction mod

(Disclaimer: I'm at work at the moment, and can't check for accuracy of my statements. I would be nice to have the ability to have two keys bound to the same action in my case E and ARROW UP would operate as move forward where I could use E to move my character and UP ARROW when building, as many games do. I can move side to side, because my left and right strafe "keys" are mapped to my mouse buttons #4 and #5 and those don't interfere with the built-in key binds. I'm left with guessing that a building (or whatever) will fit in the space I want it to. I'm assuming that you are supposed to be able to do so - maybe you aren't - but if you aren't, that's a whole other problem. What's up with E being looting some things (containers) and KEYPAD-ENTER, as I have it mapped, doing it other times (single items)?Īnyway, I can't move forward or backwards when I'm trying to place a building. However, I've had this binding in virtually every game I've played for over 12 years now and it hasn't been a problem until now.Īnd yes, I have other problems with the E key - like looting. I have E bound to "move forward." I know this is weird to some people, and that I might be the only one. Personally, I have a problem with the key bindings.įor instance, building things is a pain in the rear for me. Marion Geneste Posts: 3566 Joined: Fri 9:21 pm

fallout 4 ncr faction mod

There is more ideas that I will include later. Wasteland Don Quixote Companion (details left out) -Box Maaan.

fallout 4 ncr faction mod

  • High Elevation Hover Mr Handys -damienmondragon.
  • Vehicles (details left out) -Reddragon4562073.
  • recruitable raiders -the1andOnlyPebbles.
  • Old School animal whisper -REL_Dovahkin.
  • Animal whisper faction (details left out) -damienmondragon.
  • More radiation storms -lankyguywithatophat.
  • level requirement for perks removed (details left out) -nin.
  • Tinker Faction (details left out) -damienmondragon.
  • Rare Sunset Sarsaparilla Bottles/Machines -^.
  • Modifiable Mr Handy (details left out) -damienmondragon.
  • Survival/Gold Rush Mod (details left out) -^.
  • Settlement building without predefined locations.

  • Fallout 4 ncr faction mod